Athletics and Activities
Marlene Wester ~ Activities Director
2024-2025 Sports/Activities Schedules
Registration Forms
Campus Portal Directions
2024-2025 MSHSL Eligibility Statement
2024-2025 Sporty Physical Exam
2024-2025 Sports Health Questionnaire
Travel Release Form
NOTE: This form must be turned in before the bus leaves the school for an event.
Participation Fees
High School (9 - 12) - $150.00*
Middle School (6 - 8) - $125.00*
*Free/Reduced 1/2 price or talk to the Activities Director
Season Passes
Single - $90.00
Family - $130.00

Register through the Campus Parent portal.
Follow the directions to register through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. If you have a student who is not enrolled at ISD 166, and is new please enroll into the Community School or contact Jill Boen with questions.