Virtual Open House will be on Wednesday, September 2nd.
Cook County Schools will be canceling Sawtooth Preschool until the school pivots to a Hybrid or In-Person Learning Model, due to low enrollment.
Essential Employee's Distance Learning Student Support
Family Intake Conferences
Updated information to share with our school community.
Zoom Link for 8-20-20 School Board Meeting
Attention Essential Workers that have students in COOK COUNTY SCHOOLS.
Here is a list of the TIER 2 Essential workers that we will also be providing supervision and child care for during the distance learning times. To sign your student up for this service please contact Jeanne Anderson at or 218-387-2271. Please provide their name(s), grade for 20-21, and the days your student(s) will need care.
Here is the Minnesota Department of Education information on Tier 1-3 students that has been requested.
Updates for Fall Athletics
Minnesota High School League has moved both the Football and Volleyball Seasons to the Spring. Cross Country will continue to be in the fall with restrictions and reduced competitions. More details will be released as we receive them.
Sawtooth Mountain Elementary Class Lists
Please note that class lists may change as we are planning for the 3 scenarios under Minnesota's Safe Learning Plan.
Parent and Family survey for Back-to-school planning
As a school team we are finalizing the school plans under the MN's Safe Learning Plan, CDC Guidelines, Local Health Care Professionals recommendations, and MN Department of Education recommendations. We need to hear your voice. As a school district we have options for how we start and work through the 2020-2021 school year: In-Person, Hybrid (a combination of in-person and distance learning) and Cook County Distance Learning. Cook County Distance Learning (provided through Cook County Schools by Cook County teachers) is an option for families to opt into if that is best for your family's needs at anytime during the year.
Please inform us of your personal needs as we are looking to understand and plan for our school year.
At this time our plan is not solidified, this information is crucial in our finalization of the planning for all 3 options.
Letter in response to the release of MN Safe Learning Plan from Principal Myers.
Important Message from Superintendent Crandall.........
Good Afternoon,
The Minnesota Department of Education released the MN Safe Learning Plan today
The district is working with Cook County Public Health to finalize the school opening plan.
The School Board will be meeting to discuss plans for opening school.
We will continue to provide weekly updates
The entire staff of the Cook County School District appreciates your support and patience.
Thank you
ISD166 Special School Board Meeting Announcement
The deadline to sign up for the online classroom portion of Drivers Education is Wednesday, July 22, 2020 by 4pm.
7-16-20 School Board Meeting Link
Parents and Families we would like your feedback! Please fill out our survey on Distance Learning as we are planning for the fall.
Message from Cook County School
Please click on link:
The online classroom portion of Drivers Ed will run for 10 days from 8am to 11am, July 27th thru Aug. 7th, no class on Sat, Aug 1st or Sun, Aug 2nd. 30 classroom hours are required to pass the classroom portion. Make up day August 10th. Register with Pam,