Polymet Mining for Excellence STEM Scholarship. Deadline is December 31st. One $5,000 scholarship scholarship will be awarded to a student for four- or two-year degree or certification programs. Go to this link to apply.
Wednesday, December 2 Announcements
Tuesday, December 1 Announcements
If you're a junior and interested in qualifying for scholarships and getting connected with colleges while practicing for the ACT or SAT, consider taking the PSAT this year! View this small presentation to find out more and if your interested please contact the school counselor, Ms. Kotowicz, by Thursday December 3rd.
Families – You can help generate state aid for your school by completing the Application for Educational Benefits and returning it to your school. You can now fill this application out online through the Parent Portal or print off a copy here and bring into the school office.
Some schools collect income data through a web-based collection system which replaces the paper forms. These are household income statements; only one application is needed per household but each district or charter school in which students in the household are enrolled would need a copy.
Students in households that meet the free or reduced price meal income guidelines will generate compensatory revenue for their school. Schools must use compensatory revenue to meet the needs of students who are behind their peers, such as remedial instruction, instructional materials including digital learning and technology, bilingual programs and additional teachers and teacher aides. These applications may also make teachers in your school eligible for the federal Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program if they have outstanding college loans. However, the household must complete and return the forms, or complete the online form, no later than December 15 so the school can calculate eligibility and report to MDE. This will not impact your students’ eligibility to receive free meals during the 2020-21 school year.
To get enrolled in Parent Portal please contact Jill Boen at jboen@isd166.org. Any questions on the Educational Benefits application please contact Pam Puskala at ppuskala@isd166.org
Congratulations to the JV Knowledge Bowl Team (Kyler Hansen, Bryn Fitzgerald-Wells, Paul Dorr, Declan Gergets, Grace Ritchey, Andrew Hallberg) for taking home the 2020 Northeast Cooperative JV Knowledge Bowl Championship today!
They scored 92 points, and the next closest team was at 67.5 points; in Knowledge Bowl that's a huge margin. They took home first place in the fall season, beating arch-nemesis International Falls along with Virginia, Chisholm, Nashwauk-Keewatin, Cromwell-Wright and Northeast Range!
It's called "JV," because it's only open to 9th and 10th graders, but these kids will all do very well at the "Varsity" level meets in the winter/spring that is open to students in grades 9-12.
Just a reminder that there is no school and no meal deliveries on November 25, 26 and 27.
Please email photo to acarlson@isd166.org by Nov. 30, 2020
KINDERGARTEN: take a picture dressed as your favorite character
FIRST GRADE: take a picture with your pet or stuffed animal
SECOND GRADE: draw a self portrait and take a picture of you with it
THIRD GRADE: dress in your favorite color and take a picture
FOURTH GRADE: take a picture with the first letter of your name
FIFTH GRADE: take a picture dressed up in school spirit
***If you have any fun pictures of your student that represent this year you would like to share that would be great as well.
***Picture taking tips: take by natural lighting and please try to have a clear photo
We have the choice to make this year great! Let’s have some fun with our yearbook and remember the good things about the 20/21 school year.
November 23 & 24 Announcements
Have a great week!!
Operation Family Christmas is looking forward to helping families in this county that need assistance during the holiday season. It is important as a community that we work together to ensure that all children in our county wake up on Christmas morning and feel the magic that arrives on such a special day.
To apply click here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScgX-4hS9sAoA_2dnCETQYdHH8xDZFPNc-A21AVe8E6y2N6pQ/viewform?fbclid=IwAR2k5h2yZVVWdYIQfz7ovTmB75DZpKlIOAEkCSG7AZ0FqOHp0_kPLTdm83g
Friday, November 20 Announcements
Have a great weekend!!
Varsity volleyball sweeps McGregor in last game of the year.
JV Volleyball wins last game in McGregor. Great job Vikes!!
Cook County vs McGregor
Thursday, November 19 Announcements
Have a great day!!
Tuesday, November 17 Announcements
Have a great day!
Congratulations to ISD 166 Middle and High School students for their hard work first quarter. Here are Honor (gpa 3.25 to 3.79) and High Honor Roll (3.8 and above) lists for quarter 1.
The Volleyball game scheduled in McGregor today has been rescheduled for Thursday, November 19th.
Monday, November 16 Announcements
Have a great day!!