Tuesday, May 19 Announcements https://youtu.be/fNVJqLwGgac Have a great day!!
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Cook County Schools is looking for a Summer Kitchen Helper to assist with the Summer Lunch Program. This is a part time position. A Servsafe Certificate is required or the ability to obtain one. For more information please email Pam Puskala: ppuskala@isd166.org.
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Youth baseball, including T-Ball, Parent Pitch, and Little League, has been suspended until July 1st. An evaluation of the feasibility of having youth baseball in July will be conducted in the month ahead. We thank you for your patience and understanding during this season of uncertainty due to Covid-19.
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Monday, May 18 Announcements https://youtu.be/aYQXutlXa9Q Have a great day!
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Remember to tune into the HS Awards and Scholarship show tonight at 7pm. Here is a direct link: https://youtu.be/hUyMR633Sb8 Link won’t be live until 7pm.
over 4 years ago, Mitch Dorr
Just a reminder that tonight (May 15th) at 7 pm is the High School Awards and Scholarship Program. Please go to www.cookcountyschools.org to access the link to the program. Thank you to all the businesses and individuals that support our students with financial aid and recognition.
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
awards program
Elementary Yearbooks There are still 15 elementary yearbooks available if anybody didn't order one. $15 each. Stop by eagle door between 9:00 and 1:00 to purchase.
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Friday, May 15 Announcements https://youtu.be/Lysh5jgUOQg Have a great day!!
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Tofte, Grand Marais, Grand Portage Parents and caregivers with children birth to age five: The North Shore Collaborative is happy to announce that LOTS will be offered this summer for children birth to age five! The program will be offered a bit differently than in the past. We will be offering “book and activity bags” for pick-up at each of our locations. We are still working out the details, so please check the North Shore Collaborative’s Facebook page or our website for updated information: https://www.co.lake.mn.us/departments/lots_program.php Efforts will be made to promote the safe delivery of books. LOTS is FREE for all families with children birth to age five. Would your older children like books? We will also have books for ages 6 and up available at all locations! Please contact Trisha Scamehorn at 218-834-8403 or trisha.scamehorn@co.lake.mn.us for more information. LOTS is a program of the North Shore Collaborative.
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
On graduation day, WTIP will be airing a special radio show for our graduates of 2020. You will have the opportunity to send a special message to a classmate, graduate, etc. This will need to be done in advance of graduation day. Please see bullet points below. · * The program will air on WTIP Saturday, May 30, from 3 to 6 pm * The deadline to email song requests and/or brief dedications/messages is May 26 (requests should be emailed to matthew@wtip.org)
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
graduation day
Thursday, May 14 Announcements https://youtu.be/YYwDMIES2Xk Have a great day!!
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Here is the "Sawtooth Mountain Kindergarten Round-Up Family Information Video". There will be having a virtual meeting on Friday, May 15 at 9:00. Please take a moment to watch this before Friday. https://youtu.be/GG0jalxZPZ8
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Wednesday, May 13 Announcements https://youtu.be/qaeFILEj48c Have a great day!!
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Virtual Kindergarten Parent Meeting For Cook County Schools Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/91148388808?pwd=cDE3YmxqU0xPT25wT2RodEhHaDJqUT09 Meeting ID: 911 4838 8808 Password: 7NCFJp One tap mobile +16699006833,,91148388808#,,1#,055053# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,91148388808#,,1#,055053# US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 911 4838 8808 Password: 055053 Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aLIVTMml Please contact the school if you have questions. 387-2271
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
virtual kindergarten meeting
Tuesday, May 12 Announcements https://youtu.be/TjJjOhKNrC4 Have a great day!!
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Monday, May 11 Announcements https://youtu.be/Q1B7UpUwcSg Have a great day!!
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Teacher Appreciation Week! - UPDATED https://youtu.be/sFjUM__CjII
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Friday, May 8 Announcements https://youtu.be/7KS-DbVnfVM Have a great day!!
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Join us in our 2020 Luminaries for the Class of 2020 Initiative https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wQVBr-6jhC6rngIGICu1nBRbvNdyjVqS/view?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, Mitch Dorr
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Cook County PTA is Amazing!!! Thank you for the treats today!
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
World's Best Donuts for each of the staff!
Gift Bags for each staff!
AND T.P. for each staff.