May 7 Announcements Have a great day!!
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Kindergarten Round-Up Canceled
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Look for information on a virtual meeting coming soon.
Wednesday, May 6 Announcements Have a great day!!
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Tuesday, May 5 Announcements Have a great day!!
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
ISD 166 PTA and students send this "THANK YOU" to staff during Teacher Appreciation Week.
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Monday, May 4 Announcements Have a great day!!
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Remember tomorrow is our Cook County Schools Parade! We will be collecting materials and dropping off materials at bus stops four hours later than pick up. we encourage students to be at their bus stops and be on the lookout for some familiar faces and lots of Viking Pride!
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Check it out!
CCS DL Parade
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Monday, May 4th, 2020
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Aloha Friday, May 1 Announcements Have a great day!!
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Thursday, April 30 Announcements Have a great day!!
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Wednesday, April 28 Announcements Have a great day!!
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Tuesday, April 28 Announcements Have a great day!!
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
School-Owned Instrument Returns This normally wouldn't occur until the last week of school, but because of the current situation I am asking that all school-owned instruments be returned to school via the bus drop off (hubs where materials are returned/dropped off) or dropped off at the school directly on Monday, May 4th. I need to check-in all the school-owned instruments, assess any repairs or cleaning that will need to be done, and organize the room. Students may keep all of their music EXCEPT for school owned Essential Elements method books (they will say "Property of Cook County" or something similar on the front cover). Please contact me if you need to arrange this return for a different day, and please send me an email when you have returned the instrument so I know to look for it. Thank you, Mikkel Haas 218-387-2271 Ext. 301
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Monday, April 27 Announcements Have a great day!!
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Friday, April 24 Announcements Have a great day!!
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Thursday, April 23 Announcements Have a great day!!
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Wednesday, April 22 Announcements Have a great day!!
over 4 years ago, Cook County Schools
Registration for next school year. Students in middle and high school need to check their school emails for information regarding registration for classes for next year. High School online registration forms and course handbooks have been shared via student emails. Middle School registration forms will be coming soon. Please call the school if you have any question. 387-2271
almost 5 years ago, Cook County Schools
Congratulations to these students in grades 6 - 12 for making the honor roll and high honor roll for 3rd quarter.
almost 5 years ago, Cook County Schools
honor roll for 3rd quarter
honor roll