Tuesday, April 21 Announcements https://youtu.be/3IEDBQ0EQ2k Have a great day!!
almost 5 years ago, Cook County Schools
Monday, April 20 Announcements https://youtu.be/nBvgfHepRvI Have a great day!!
almost 5 years ago, Cook County Schools
Just a reminder from ISD 166 to remember to meet the buses on Mondays to route completed homework back to school. Please return in the envelopes they are delivered in so the school can re-route new paperwork the following Monday in the envelopes. Buses run 4 hours later than the usual drop off time. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Cook County Schools
return homework
Cook County School Board met on April 16, 2020, using the Zoom platform. Thank you to all who joined. Please see the Cook County School's website for more information.
almost 5 years ago, Cook County Schools
School Board Meeting 4/16/2020 via ZOOM
Friday, April 17 Announcements https://youtu.be/9T7DsfQ2bPk Have a great day!!
almost 5 years ago, Cook County Schools
Youth Baseball Coordinator Posting Community Education is looking for a Youth Baseball Commissioner who will oversee our summer youth baseball program. This includes T-Ball, Parent Pitch, and Little League. Duties would include scheduling, registrations, and working with coaches to get season started. Much of the outlines from previous years is on file and ready to be altered to help plan out this year. This position pays a stipend of $1500. Please contact Pam Puskala at ppuskala@isd166.org or 218-387-2271 ext 606 if interested.
almost 5 years ago, Cook County Schools
Thursday, April 16 Announcements https://youtu.be/b9xGm3JnkTA Have a great day!!
almost 5 years ago, Cook County Schools
Wednesday, April 15 Announcements https://youtu.be/DsBoJOS_5mc Have a great day!!
almost 5 years ago, Cook County Schools
Tuesday, April 14 Announcements https://youtu.be/9eu7iBjBjrE Have a great day!!
almost 5 years ago, Cook County Schools
Friday, April 10 Announcements https://youtu.be/PKJxz_cXinc Have a great weekend!!
almost 5 years ago, Cook County Schools
Thursday, April 9 Announcements https://youtu.be/7zBhL0IqO3U Have a great day!
almost 5 years ago, Cook County Schools
ISD 166 is extending the due date for the WISE Trade Scholarship until 10:00 am on Tuesday, April 14th. If you are going to a 2 year community college or tech school please consider filling out this application. Applications are available on the school website under "see all news" and scroll down til you find the scholarship article. Hard copies are also available at the Eagle door between 10:00 and noon. Completed applications for this scholarship can be emailed to ceverson@isd166.org or dropped off at the school by 10 am on April 14th. Please call if you have any questions.
almost 5 years ago, Cook County Schools
Wednesday, April 8 Announcements https://youtu.be/76rWe1BFEZw Have a great day!
almost 5 years ago, Cook County Schools
Tuesday, April 7 Announcements Have a great day!! https://youtu.be/CS1DT8lQo08
almost 5 years ago, Cook County Schools
A Monday night tribute to our seniors... Lights were on for 20 min 20 sec. we are thinking of you seniors!!
almost 5 years ago, Mitch Dorr
Class of 2020
Cook County High School will be joining other schools around the state with a special honor for students on Monday, April 6. CCHS will be turning on the football lights at 8:20 pm for 20 minutes and 20 seconds to honor our students and let them know we are thinking about them. *Special shout out to the Class of 2020! You are our light! It is important to understand this is not intended to be a gathering, but rather a symbolic gesture to honor our students. We ask that you respect the Stay at Home Order. Please join us in your own homes by turning on your porch lights at 8:20 pm to show your support
almost 5 years ago, Mitch Dorr
Monday, April 6 Morning Announcements https://youtu.be/Z1m-lHmstU8 Have a great day!
almost 5 years ago, Cook County Schools
almost 5 years ago, Cook County Schools
Materials Pick up and Drop off Monday, March 6th, 2020
almost 5 years ago, Cook County Schools
Attention Cook County Families!
Friday, April 3rd Announcements. Have a great day! https://youtu.be/6aFHP0ps8zU
almost 5 years ago, Cook County Schools