Here are Thursday's Announcements for Cook County Schools!! Make it a Great Day!!
Attention 20-21 Kindergarten Families!
Attention Cook County Families.
Delivering distance learning materials to bus stops.
Please keep checking our website for updates on Cook County Schools Distance Learning Plan
Meal Requests for children 18 and under starting on March 30, 2020. Please see below how to sign-up!
Cook County School
COVID-19 Update
“The Incredible Exchange program is for youth ages 11-14. You must be within the age guidelines by June 1st.
Complete and drop off application at the Extension office in the Cook County Community Center ( Box will be outside of the building!!!), call us 218-387-3015 and we can sign you up via the phone or mail to:
The incredible Exchange
Cook County Extension
317 W 5th St
Grand Marais, MN 55604
Please note* We are going forward with the program at this time however regarding the COVID -19 we might have to cancel in the future.”
Diane Booth/ Community Center/ Extension Director
Izabela Sheehan/ Community Center Assistant
Please email or call in school lunch requests by 3 pm today, March 17th.
Cook County Schools will be providing breakfast and lunch for all ISD 166 students preschool through 12th grade beginning Wednesday, March 18, 2020. There will be one delivery per day.
Please email the school using the email at, or call 387-2271 extension 608, 602, or 609 to request a meal delivered. Be prepared to share the names and ages of students, parent and family phone number, and the address for the delivery for Wednesday and Thursday. No meals delivered during spring break. Meals will continue to be delivered after spring break if school is still not in session. We will continue to contact you next week with any news for the week following spring break.
Delivery will be on the normal bus routes between 10:00 a.m. and noon on Wednesday and Thursday. Please be patient as we work to put these systems in place.
Meals will also be available for pick up at the main doors between 10:00 a.m. and noon. Students may receive one set of meals per day.
If you have any questions please contact the meal coordinator at extension 608.
Attention parents of ISD 166 students that are hospital workers and first responders that have students ages 5 through 12.
If you are in need of child care on Wednesday, March 18, or Thursday, March 19, please call the main office to sign your child up and to learn the details of the child care program. 3 8 7-2271
UPDATE from ISD 166
Students should:
1. Take home all personal belongings/locker clean out, including PE locker
2. Before the end of the day Tuesday, empty lockers for future cleaning/sanitizing
1. Anticipate students bringing home personal belongings
2. Arrange getting medication from nurse
3. Contact PK-12 office regarding attendance to excuse children if you keep them home Mon/Tues
Childcare will be available for children 12 & under, starting March 18 for children of families of emergency workers & ISD166 employees. More information to follow.
The school will be open 8:00 to 4:00 through March 19th if parents need access to the school to collect student belongings.
Please call the school if you have any questions or concerns. Continue to watch the school website and Facebook page for further updates to the current situation. Thank you.
Update from HS League regarding spring sports. Practice on Monday and Tuesday, then no practice again until the 30th or unless otherwise announced
An update from MSHSL
This is a message from Cook County School District regarding the governor's announcement.
Cook County Schools will be in session on Monday & Tuesday, with extra-curriculars and sports practices as scheduled.
Normal schedules for Monday & Tuesday.
Starting on Wednesday, there will be no school. School will be closed Wednesday, March 18 –and 19 with Spring break next week;
This is the current plan, but is subject to change. Our staff will be working and planning for education if the closure continues.
Elementary students were given a paper survey that was sent home please fill it out and return it tomorrow. That is important information we need.
We will continue to send updates as we receive them. We know there are a lot of questions and we will continue to update as we have information.
Please continue to check our school website and your email accounts.
Update on the COVID-19 from Cook County Schools
In the Friday folders you will find a BRIGHT PINK form we would like you to fill out and get back to your child's teachers on Monday, March 16. This is a Survey to help support students in the area of internet and technology devices at home.
Attention Cook County Families
Sawtooth Student Council is running the Pennies for Patients fundraiser until March 19th. Sawtooth students are collecting pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and bills to help benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society fight childhood blood cancers. Donations can be made online once students set up online profiles or through the school page at
We have a school goal of $2,020 and students and classes can earn rewards through next week.
Thank you for your support!
Sawtooth Student Council
Sawtooth Student Council is running the Pennies for Patients fundraiser until March 19th. Sawtooth students are collecting pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and bills to help benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society fight childhood blood cancers.